ASCEN Through hole insertion mounting component feeder is a auto insertion machine stick tube feeder,odd-form component tube feeder developed for the customer required and that is not a standard machine.
If you insterested in ASCEN automatic insertion machine feeder system,please click here component insert feeder list to know more feeder use for the odd form component,Maybe it will help for transform your pick and place machine
ASCEN Through hole insertion mounting component feeder is a auto insertion machine stick tube feeder,odd-form component tube feeder developed for the customer required and that is not a standard machine. ASCEN team professionally customized all kinds of automated insertion machine feeder system according your odd form component,please click here SMT odd-form component insertion feeder list to know more detail.if you interested in our component insertion feeder system,please don't forget to sent us your odd form component sample to us.
Through hole insertion mounting component feeder Features:
Excellent price-performance ratio
Zero stick exchange time
Can custom according requirement
400mm storage capacity
Additional tooling space
Intelligent communication with placement system
Handles all insertion component types and stick formats
Customized steps, please tell us following question:
1.Provide the physical picture for the material and the material size and then to quote.
2.If your component feeding require the specified direction.Please describe.
3.When confirm item,please send us the odd-form through hole part sample to do precision measurement,we need do test for the Pin insertion machine component feeder before our delivery.
Through hole insertion mounting component feeder Specification:
ASCEN auto insertion machine tube feeder AF-TB series